Note: questions are arranged in categories: general, major, minor, and certificate, so there are some repeats.
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A Data Science major differs significantly from fields like Computer Science, ITI, and Statistics by focusing on extracting meaningful insights from large datasets through the application of statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, and programming skills.
While Data Science centers on analyzing and interpreting data to solve real-world business problems, Computer Science is primarily concerned with building computing systems, creating new technologies, and addressing challenges related to these systems. ITI, in contrast, emphasizes technical training, while Statistics delves into the mathematical theories underpinning data analysis. The key distinction lies in Data Science's application-driven approach, where the primary goal is to use data-driven insights to inform decision-making processes, contrasting with Computer Science's focus on system creation and technological innovation.
In summary, a Data Science major focuses on extracting and applying insights from data to solve practical business problems, while Computer Science concentrates on building computing systems, ITI on technical training, and Statistics on the mathematical theory behind data analysis.
Please visit this link and search for ‘Data Science’ in the search field in the application.
We understand the challenges students face in trying to optimize their schedules. Please note that we must adhere to the systematic procedures established by the departments for the distribution of SPNs. All SPN requests should be directed through the official SPN request system, and all inquiries should be sent to . CS Resources: CS SPN webpage link
Capstone is a class like any other, except that it meets only a few times in the semester. All students have to work on the same data set and complete the same project, so it cannot be replaced by some other work. Students have to finish the capstone project as defined in that class.
As of November 7, 2023, the SPN restriction has been removed from the Computer Science capstone course 01:198:310. Students who have completed the prerequisite courses will be able to register for the course.
Since we (the Data Science program) no longer require SPNs for the capstone 01:198:310, you might want just to try registering for the course.
No, this is not allowed. You must successfully complete the foundational courses (pass with a grade of C or better) before registering for the capstone course.
01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research and 01:960:291 Statistical Inference for Data Science are not equivalent. For the Data Science program, unless you have already taken 01:960:212 or 401, you should take 291.
The certificate and minor are part of degree granting programs. The Bootcamp programs provide training for very specific skills. The certificate and minor give a broader background in a variety of skills coupled with your degree.
Please visit the Data Science advising webpage. Please note: The video is restricted to people with Rutgers NetIDs. Please click the image, then log in with your NetID to subscribe to the "Data Science Undergraduate Certificate and Minor" Rutgers Mediaspace channel. You can then watch the video on Rutgers Mediaspace.
Transfer of credits from Rutgers-Newark, community colleges, or 4-year institutions will be done on a case-by-case basis, based on an evaluation of the syllabus of the specific courses.
To register for a course outside of Rutgers-New Brunswick, you'll need to fill out a Transfer Course Preapproval Form and have it approved by the appropriate Rutgers-NB department as well as the SAS Transfer Center. The Transfer Course Preapproval Form is for SAS Students ONLY. Students in other schools or colleges must contact their own academic services office for information on transfer course preapproval.
Yes, this is allowed, as long as the prerequisites of the respective courses are fulfilled.
We recommend you reach out to the registrar’s office with this question and see if the system would allow you to take both classes at the same time, regardless of the conflict.
Please email , and we will connect you with one of our advisors. However, it may take some time for them to get back to you; so, we recommend emailing your questions, and we will help you get answers to your specific questions. Also, please check our website for more information on the Data Science program.
Yes, both degrees are STEM-eligible.
The Data Science Majors (BS and BA) do not currently have required internships. However, if the student is interested in completing a capstone course 01:198:310 (1 Cr.), which includes DS major foundational courses as prerequisites, then they can work on an empirical project to demonstrate skills learned. More information can be found here. Additionally, to stay involved and connected with the community, please encourage the student to join the student-run Data Science Club at
No, this is not allowed. You cannot count the same Data Science course to fulfill two separate data science requirements.
On the Data Science programs’ end, we have no restriction for double counting courses for other RUNB majors, but you cannot count the same Data Science course to fulfill two separate data science requirements. You must also check if this is allowed by your department (first major).
Yes, the courses required for the minor are part of the foundational courses for the major.
There are currently no restrictions to double major.
All undergraduate students admitted to RU New-Brunswick are eligible to pursue the Data Science major. You only need to declare the Data Science major once you complete the following three foundational courses (Data 101, 01:961:291 Statistical Inference for Data Science (or equivalent courses), and Data Management course) by completing the forms according to your school affiliation.
To declare the Data Science major, you must successfully complete these three foundational courses: Data 101, Statistical Inference (or its equivalent courses), and Data Management course.
Undergraduate students must apply first to RU-New Brunswick University. Please read more about the admission process. The undergraduate admissions website is your best resource, and it includes information about first-year applicants, transfer applicants, international applicants, requirements, deadlines, recommended academic preparation, financial aid, and more. Our team is not part of the admissions process. After being admitted to the university and starting as a RU-New Brunswick student, you could begin enrolling in foundational courses and then declaring the major.
The major field is not a declaration - it's just to ensure the student is interested in a discipline SAS offers. The transfer team is working with Admissions to update the application.
On the Data Science programs' end, we have no restrictions for double counting courses for other RUNB majors. However, you cannot count on the same Data Science course to fulfill two separate Data Science requirements. You must check if this is allowed by your department.
Data Science-Statistics Track (219T) majors may not minor in Statistics (960). Please visit the Data Science Advising webpage for the most recent updates.
A grade of C or better is required for a class to meet a requirement of the Data Science program.
Please reach out to the SAS Career Services at and Rutgers Career Exploration and Success at
You can major in Economics and Data Science, Economics Track. No conflict.
You can major in Computer Science and Data Science with a Computer Science focus. No conflict.
The Data Science Minor – NB219N is 20-22 credits.
The Data Science minor is open to NB students and not available for RU-Newark or Camden students. Students would need to transfer to SAS-NB.
You can start either in the Spring or in the Fall.
None. You can take Data 101 class with no programming skills.
Yes, you can take the domain class in your major area independently from Data Science minor classes. But you will have to wait for all other requirements to be fulfilled to take the 1-credit capstone project. It is recommended to take the domain class AFTER you have completed the core courses.
No mathematics is required beyond pre-calculus for most options. Calculus is a prerequisite for some domain courses.
You may not need to complete Statistics 1 (01:960:211) and Statistics 2 (01:960:212) for the Data Science minor as long as you finish Statistical Inference for Data Science (01:960:291).
The various tracks in the minor have been designed to give a solid background in a series of complementary courses. Each track is designed to give you expertise in particular sub-areas of data science. This does result in slightly different credit requirements. Just remember that the goal is to gain expertise in a particular area, not just get a credential.
You could take any currently approved domain courses if you meet the prerequisite requirements. Many domain courses have no prerequisites.
No, this is a required course for ALL Data Science programs.
Yes, the Data Science minor is open to ALL Rutgers University-New Brunswick students
No. Each requirement should be met with distinct courses. Please select another domain course.
There is no additional statistics prerequisite for track 4, although the Data Science minor requires 01:960:291, Statistical Inference for Data Science as one of the core courses.
You may declare a Data Science Minor after successfully completing the Data101 course (198:142/960:142) with a grade of C or better.
Please visit your school's website for details on declaring the minor.
For SAS students, please visit:
For SEBS students, please visit:
For SOE students, please visit:
Between BAIT electives and the Data Science minor courses, Regression Methods 01:960:463 is the only one that has an overlap and can be used as credit for both pathways.
Please log into a chat session with SAS advisor at
Degree Navigator uses the course you completed to fulfill the first possible requirement it can. That doesn't mean that's where it remains! As you take more courses toward the track of your intention, Degree Navigator will re-assign courses to the appropriate requirement/s. Simply follow your Data Science minor course map. Please email us at if this persists.
You will add to your academic competency. You will learn hands-on skills as well as gain an understanding of the Data Science concepts. You will be able to take any data set and perform statistically sound analytics, then present conclusions backed with data.
No. You just need to complete the Certificate program requirements, track your progress, and submit your completed form - see the 'Certificate' page. You will receive the certificate upon fulfilling the requirements. If you have any questions, you can email as well as contact one of our advisors or directors.
Yes, it is open to all SAS Majors, not just Computer Science or Statistics. In fact, it is available to ALL Rutgers-New Brunswick students.
The Data Science Certificate – NB219X is 14-16 credits.
It takes 3-4 semesters.
There is no declaration for the certificate. Once you fulfill the requirements, you can submit the Certificate Completion Form (on the website).
You can start either in the Spring or in the Fall. See the course planner on the 'Certificate' page.
None. You can take Data 101 class with absolutely no programming skills.
Yes, you can take the domain class in your major area independently from data science certificate classes. But you will have to wait for all other requirements to be fulfilled to take the 1-credit capstone project. It is recommended to take the domain class AFTER you have completed the core courses.
Yes, you must complete the three foundational courses before taking the 1-credit capstone class. You cannot simultaneously take the Capstone project course and any foundational courses.
You could take any currently approved domain courses if you meet the prerequisite requirements. Many domain courses have no prerequisites.
No, this is a required course for ALL Data Science programs.
You can only submit the Certificate Completion Form once you fulfill the requirements. Once verified, it will be reflected on your transcript, and you will receive a paper certificate. Your graduation date will not be affected.