
Center for Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science

DIMACS (the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science) facilitates research, education, and outreach in discrete mathematics, computer science theory, algorithms, mathematical and statistical methods, and their applications. Our multi-year special focus programs address research themes that require topical expertise in these areas, have potential for societal impact, and are poised for advance. Our educational programs include materials development for high school and college classrooms, an extensive summer undergraduate research program, and teacher training programs.

Center for Math Sciences Research

The center for Mathematical Sciences Research has as its primary mission the facilitation of research in mathematics, both pure and applied, at the highest level. This includes, in an integral way, graduate and post-graduate education and research training.

Integrated Ocean Discovery Program Core Repository

We are an official repository of the Integrated Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), hosting Legs 150X and 174AX onshore cores drilled as part of the NJ/Mid-Atlantic Transect, and the New Jersey Geological Survey (NJGS). Cores from other ODP/IODP repositories are available through ODP. Funding is provided by the National Science Foundation, Ocean Sciences Division, Ocean Drilling Program and Rutgers University.

Laboratory for Surface Modification

The Laboratory for Surface Modification (LSM) at Rutgers is a truly multidisciplinary endeavor, which provides a focus for research in basic and applied studies of high technology surfaces and interfaces. LSM brings together over 20 faculty in different departments (Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering). In addition, there are over 50 visiting scientists, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students involved in various research projects.

New High Energy Theory Center

Theoretical particle physics has advanced its frontiers enormously in recent years. The success of the Weinberg-Salam model of electroweak interactions, culminating in the recent discovery of the W+- and Z , has led to efforts to find a unified theory including quantum chromodynamics and perhaps general relativity as well. A theory of all interactions and particles usually has far-reaching implications, for instance, predicting proton decay, and affecting the development of the universe in the first few moments after the big bang. Thus particle physics now relates to problems in cosmology, such as galaxy formation and the observed predominance of matter over anti-matter. The most ambitious of these unified theories-- superstrings--is being intensively studied at Rutgers, which has one of the strongest particle theory groups in the world. Other problems, such as developing methods to study non- abelian gauge theories in nonperturbative regimes, electroweak baryogenisis, and computational methods, are also being studied. Advances in the understanding of field theory have yielded techniques and predicted phenomena which are relevant to mathematics, statistical mechanics, and condensed matter physics.

Office of Statistical Consulting (OSC)

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, established the Office of Statistical Consulting (OSC) in the Department of Statistics in 1983 to meet the ever increasing demand for advice on collecting and analyzing data. The Rutgers Department of Statistics is one of the oldest statistics departments in the nation and ranks among the best. It has a strong, energetic, and highly interdisciplinary faculty with diverse skills. Researchers from a broad range of disciplines, including bio-informatics, medicine, life sciences, social sciences, computer science, education, library science, and industry, can receive expert assistance from the OSC. Quality is ensured by the active participation of statistics faculty members, allowing researchers both inside and outside Rutgers to draw on the most current knowledge of the best statistical techniques. The OSC has also established new initiatives for promoting collaborative interdisciplinary research to meet current research trends.

SEED2S - Student Excellence Equity and Diversity in Data Science

Located on the Busch Campus at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, we are committed to cultivating an inclusive environment that nurtures student well-being, fosters cultural responsiveness, and upholds academic integrity. Our unwavering dedication lies in promoting a vibrant and equitable campus community, embracing diversity in all its forms.

Affiliated Centers/Institutes

Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine

CABM has a strong culture of investigator-initiated basic biomedical research. Activities are concentrated in three primary areas: Infectious Disease, Cancer, and Neurodevelopment/Neurodegeneration. The CABM mission is to make fundamental discoveries and develop new technologies that can be translated to improve human health. The mission of CABM scientists is focused in four areas: Research, Teaching, Industry, and Service.

Center for Quantitative Biology

Welcome to The Rutgers Center of Quantitative Biology (CQB)The primary mission of the Rutgers Center for Quantitative Biology (CQB) is to enable scientific exchanges and collaborations between faculty residing in different academic departments who are interested in quantitative modeling of biological phenomena. Research interests of CQB faculty members comprise both experimental and theoretical approaches and range from evolutionary dynamics, stochastic processes in biology, and single-molecule biophysics to modeling onset and progression of cancer. CQB facilitates these activities by holding a weekly seminar series as well as providing travel support for faculty and affiliated students and postdoctoral researchers to attend national and international scientific meetings.

Computational Biomedicine Imaging and Modeling Center

The Center for Computational Biomedicine Imaging and Modeling (CBIM) was founded by Professor Dimitris Metaxas in 2001 to serve as an environment for conducting novel research in the areas of Computational Biomedicine, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Scientific Computations, Learning and Robotics. CBIM has 10 faculty members and around 30 graduate students. It is located in a space comprising of almost 11,000 square feet which includes a separate space for human motion capture experiments. Funding for CBIM is provided by all major Government agencies such as NIH, NASA, NSF, ARO, ONR and AFOSR. CBIM has several collaborative projects with research and faculty from other major Universities and research labs such as Boston Univ. UPENN, Columbia, NYU Medical School, MIT, Stanford, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Siemens Healthcare and Adobe Systems.

Math and Science Learning Center

The Math & Science Learning Center is a unique resource for students in the sciences. We are committed to providing support services for University students and outreach programs for K-12 students. Special to the MSLC are the hands-on interdisciplinary science demonstrations and activities. Instrumental to our success are the contributions made by our student managers and employees.

Nucleic Acid Database

he goal of the Nucleic Acid Database Project (NDB) is to archive and distribute structural information about nucleic acids. The NDB was founded in 1992 by Helen M. Berman, Rutgers University, Wilma K. Olson, Rutgers University, and David Beveridge, Wesleyan University.

The NDB Project is funded by the National Institutes of Health and has been funded by National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy in the past.

RCSB Protein Data Bank

The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is an information portal for researchers and students interested in structural biology. At its center is the PDB archive -- the single international repository for the processing and distribution of experimentally determined three-dimensional macromolecular structure data. The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is operated by Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego -- two members of the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB).

Rutgers Energy Institute

The Rutgers Energy Institute is engaged in four principal areas of activity: education of undergraduate and graduate students; pioneering research; outreach to the community to share information and engage the public; and policy advice to government, business, and civic leaders who require current knowledge about energy use, alternatives, and innovations to guide decision-making and public planning.

Rutgers Geology Museum

The primary mission of the Rutgers Center for Quantitative Biology (CQB) is to enable scientific exchanges and collaborations between faculty residing in different academic departments who are interested in quantitative modeling of biological phenomena. Research interests of CQB faculty members comprise both experimental and theoretical approaches and range from evolutionary dynamics, stochastic processes in biology, and single-molecule biophysics to modeling onset and progression of cancer. CQB facilitates these activities by holding a weekly seminar series as well as providing travel support for faculty and affiliated students and postdoctoral researchers to attend national and international scientific meetings.

Waksman Institute of Microbiology

The Waksman Institute's mission today is to conduct research in microbial molecular genetics, developmental molecular genetics, plant molecular genetics, and structural and computational biology. It also is a catalyst for general university initiatives, including undergraduate and graduate education, as well as a life science infrastructure, and a public service function for the State of New Jersey.